Blog Posts can be saved as PDF's to be printed later

This might not come as a new information to many of you, yet I am making this post as per the request made by Bruce – from Brazil. You may have noticed a small link at the bottom of the post Clicking on this link (at the post-page) will save the post as a pdf file, which you may either save to your system and /or take prints later.

This is the PDF creation widget from This is free and is very easy to incorporate in you blog.


  1. Signup with
  2. You will be directed towards PDF conversion-setup page
  3. Before actually configuring the pdf widget, do paste one of your post-urls in the Textbox and click the CONVERT TO PDF button…. take a look at the resulting pdf page..for contents, margin , paper orientation (portrait or landscape etc)
  4. IF you are not satisfied by the default values… modify the margin accordingly and obtain pdf that suits your need.
  5. Now that you have tired and tested the margins and orientation. You may proceed with customizing this widget for your blog by clicking the GENERATE JAVASCRIPT button
  6. Now the code for pdf creation is ready and is displayed in the bottom textbox

Adding the script to the POST-PAGE ONLY
This will display the at the post page only…will not be displayed in the blog indexpage (unless you specify in the sidebar). Locate the code in blue and insert the code as inditated in red in Template – edit template – expand widgets template
<b:if cond=’data:blog.pageType == “item”‘>
<h2 class=’date-header’><data: post.timestamp/></h2>
<b:include data=’post’ name=’post’/>

Adding code below each post to be displayed in blog index page
Remember :-… what you see is what you get in the PDF file.IF the index-page of your blog displays post summaries (like here) then .. saving as PDF will only save the displayed information that you see in the index-page of the blog
The entire post shall be saved as pdf only of the permalink of the post (post-url) is displayed in the browser
<p class=’post-footer-line post-footer-line-1′>
<span class=’post-author’>
<b:if cond=’data:top.showAuthor’>
<span class=’post-timestamp’>
<b:if cond=’data:top.showTimestamp’>
<b:if cond=’data: post.url’>
<a class=’timestamp-link’ expr:href=’data: post.url’ title=’permanent link’><data: post.timestamp/></a>
<span class=’post-comment-link’>
<b:if cond=’data:blog.pageType != “item”‘>

Hope this helps.Your appreciation is my motivation

Post comments directly from Post Page

UPDATE:- I have Posted the instructions on How to Add comments from post page.. after repeated requests from readers regarding the error while trying to open the Jackbook-Instructions page

It has been a long time wish for many blogspot users to have the comments form appear in the post-page itself.. so that the reader need not click on “Post a comment” link at the end of each page.. Now the wait is over.. We are now able to post comments from the post page itself by applying the hack devised at

Still having your own doubts as how this might work.. just click on any post title to open the page at its Post-URL… you will see the comment form below the post content.. Move your mouse over the comment-form and voila.. the existing comments show up along with the form for you to post your comment

The instructions are pretty simple to follow.. so just go ahead and do it now.

Customizing Search Widget

Blogger has introduced its Search Widget so that we can search for terms that are not included in Labels but could be present in the posts. Just like any other widget, you may drag and drop this at any position at the Template – page elements section. Here I shall giving you some self-help instructions so that you can customize the appearance of the widget and the result to suit your blog’s color schema. Before I get into the widget-code and details of style sheet… let see which part related to which section of the code. Its possible to customize everything that appears here… however… I am going to emphasis mainly on the Tabs & Results pane


Once you add a search widget to the blog form the page elemets.. and see the HTML of the widget you will notice that
<div class=’widget-content’ style=’width:95%’>
<div expr:id=’data:widget.instanceId + “_form”‘>
<span class=’cse-status’><data:loadingMsg/></span>

<div class=’widget-content’ style=’width:95%’> Width =95 % determines that the search box occupied the 95% space of the area where you are placing this widget. Lets say you are keeping this widget in the sidebar .. then the search box & the search button together will occupy the 95% of the sidebar. Play around with this number .. you will see the search box decrease and increase in length accordingly

<div expr:id=’data:widget.instanceId + “_form”‘> Here you will notice “form” which means that the search box and the search button are put togather in a form when this widget was created… and the developer has deiced to make them appear in the same line. So If you feel like putting the search button below the search box.. then I am afraid.. it doesn’t seem to be possible now. However.. we can always play with the width and decide on the optimum width that suits your blog

<data:loadingMsg/>This is something that shows the “LOADING…..” message when the page is being downloaded in the browser… you can delete this tag and add you own custom message as …” Wait..” or something else


If you remember… while configuring the search widget in the Page Elements Section.. you have the options to allow search to be performed amongst the posts / texts in Your Blog – Links that you have given in your blog – The Entire Web. Now the results for these options appear as Tabs ( see pic). Blogger has provided us with the default style sheets for the search widget so that we can modify the appearance of the Tabs & Results ( after all this is what the reader sees after hitting the search button)

The Edit-HTML of your template ( Check the Expand widgets box) will have the following. You can give the color codes of your choice and see the difference it makes in the appearance of the tabs


#uds-searchControl .gsc-tabhActive

#uds-searchControl .gsc-tabhInactive


The Results pane is always displayed above all of your blog posts. You will see the following in your template which is responsible for the appearance of the Results in your blog . You may see that I have changed the background color to the value of the pale turquoise color

#uds-searchControl .gsc-results

With a little customization.. the dull looking ( but very effective) search box can be given a total makeover so that it begins to look like a part of your blog.If this post has been helpful you… pass the word and dont forget to link back
Your appreciation is my motivation

Custom SearchBox – Blogger.Draft feature

This is a dream come true for all the bloggers who are apprehensive to incorporate the “Google Custom Search Box” in their blog.. Where search can be performed exclusively for your blog… Confused.. try searching for something in the Searchbox you see above. Watch how the results are displayed in Tabs..

  1. Results from This Blog
  2. Results from the Links used here
  3. Results from The Web

The Best part is.. the results are displayed separately for easier identification
This is the SearchBox widget being introduced by Blogger_Draft dont worry too much.. Blogger Draft is where blogger introduces its new features for us to try out and give our opinion… following which the widget will be introduced at the regular blogger dashboard

Inorder to be able to use the widgets introduced in draft.. you just need to type in your browser..Lo!.. you have your dashboard.. looks the same eh !..
Now go to TEMPLATE – PAGE ELEMENTS- ADD PAGE ELEMENTS… you must be able to see the SEARCH BOX as new widget amongst all other regular widgets

Just add the widget and give your choice towards searching.. you can restrict the search towards your blog only… or allow results from all over the web .. right inside your blog

You may move the SearchBox like any other widget… and the results are always displayed at the area just above your blog posts… so that the reader can see them at “eye-level”.. without having to scroll to the end of the page or so

Personally I would prefer to use this than the GoogleCustomSearchBox.. reason being.. i find the customization – incorporation – display of results to be very clumsy ( at least for me)…which is why I never had a search box in my blog all these days. Just try it out.. if you dont like it.. you can always remove the widget… what do you say ? ? ? ?
Your appreciation is my motivation

Team Blog :- Show Post-author Picture near respective posts

Team blog is a great way to develop a knowledgebase. You have people from varied background and expertise contributing towards the content of the blog. I received a request from Kutchu , who manages a team blog and wanted to display the pictures of the team-members near their respective posts. I think its a great way to encourage the members of the team-blog. Below is a Screenshot of how the posts & pictures will appear in a test-team blog

Here are few things that you need to bear in mind before implementing this.

  1. For best results.. the photos may be of the following dimentions
    Width =60 px
    Height=60 px
  2. Upload the photos to some common file-sharing network like
    googlepages-geocities..etc ( this is just to prevent loosing the urls)
  3. Make a list in the notepad as to the names of the team members and urls of their photos

    Team_Member 1  : URL of Photo
    Team_Member 2  : URL of Photo
    Team_Member 3  : URL of Photo
    Team_Member 4  : URL of Photo
    Team_Member 5  : URL of Photo
    Team_Member 6  : URL of Photo

    and save this notepad ( again as a precaution)

STEP :1 Copy the following into a notepad and make appropriate changes
<script type=’text/javascript’>
var team = new Array();
Team_Memeber 1‘]=’URL of the Photo‘;
team[‘Team_Memeber 2‘]=’URL of the Photo‘;
team[‘Team_Memeber 3‘]=’URL of the Photo‘;
team[‘Team_Memeber 4‘]=’URL of the Photo ‘;
team[‘Team_Memeber 5‘]=’URL of the Photo‘;
team[‘Team_Memeber 6‘]=’URL of the Photo‘;

function PostAuthorPic (authorname)
var pic = team[authorname];
document.write(“<img src='” + pic + “‘/>”);

STEP:2:- After making the changes… include the above code snippet at the position above the</head> tag

STEP:3 locate the following code in the template and make changes shown in red
<table border=’0′ width=’100%’><tr><td>
<a expr:name=’’/>
<b:if cond=’data:post.title’>
<h3 class=’post-title’>
<b:if cond=’’>
<a expr:href=’’><data:post.title/></a>
<b:if cond=’data:post.url’>
<a expr:href=’data:post.url’><data:post.title/></a>
<td width=’60px’>
<script type=’text/javascript’> PostAuthorPic(‘<>’); </script>

<div class=’post-header-line-1’/>
<div class=’post-body’>

STEP:-3 Save and view the blog in browser

If you happen to see border around the pictures & wish to remove it.. locate the following tag and change the border width to zero as shown below
post img
{ border:0px solid $bordercolor; }

If you are glad in using this hack.. and appreciate my effort.. please do link back to me..Your appreciation is my motivation

Team Blog:-Linking Post author to respective Profile

If you are the only person contributing to your blog,.. then it makes sense to see that the POSTED BY <your name> is a static as a simple piece of text and does not link to any webpage. However, if the blog is a team blog … then each post will have the post author’s name displayed at the bottom of the post.. like POSTED BY <Post_author>.

By default this is also a static text and does not link anywhere. Wouldn’t it be a lot more better that the profile of each author is linked not only at the contributors section , but also at the posts that he / she writes. If a certain post is liked by a reader.. he would want to know more about the author… So lets give the reader the opportunity to know-the-post-author at the click of a mouse.. without having to scroll though the long list of widgets in the sidebar in order to locate the contributor’s list…Want to know how ???

Assuming that you know the profile URLs of the people contributing to your blog
STEP :- 1 A closer look at the PROFILE-URL
Example:- This is my profile URL
Deepa :- where 08368941819092880320 is my Profile ID or the pID.
Every profile url is in this format.. so before advancing further to implement this hack.. I recommend that you prepare a list of contributors to your blog and their respective pID as shown below ..donot forget to see the Picture for reference

Team_Member ( use the name in the profile )
pID ( use pID number)

Team_Member 1 : pID
Team_Member 2 : pID
Team_Member 3 : pID
Team_Member 4 : pID
Team_Member 5 : pID
Team_Member 6 : pID

Save this notepad as a precaution

STEP:-2 Copy the following code in a (new ) Notepad… You will be editing this

<script type=’text/javascript’>
var team = new Array();
Team_Memeber 1 ‘]=’ pID number ‘;
team[‘Team_Memeber 2‘]=’pID number‘;
team[‘Team_Memeber 3‘]=’pID number‘;
team[‘Team_Memeber 4‘]=’pID number‘;
team[‘Team_Memeber 5‘]=’pID number‘;
team[‘Team_Memeber 6‘]=’pID number‘;
NOTE:- There must not be any space between the singlequote and the name / ID characters. Orelse, this hack will not work
function makeprofilelink (authorname)
var pid = team[authorname];
document.write(“<a href=’” + pid + “‘>” + authorname + “</a>”);

Replace the Team_Memeber names and the pID number Profile Numers…. then copy paste the code into the template just above the </head> tag

STEP:-3 Locate the following code in the template

  1. Locate the following code in your template
    <b:if cond=’data:top.showAuthor’>

  2. Replace the <> with
    <script type=’text/javascript’> makeprofilelink(‘<>’);
  3. Now, your final Template code at this position must resemble something like this
    <b:if cond=’data:top.showAuthor’>
    <script type=’text/javascript’> makeprofilelink(‘<>’);


Save and view your blog.. Each post author is now automatically linked to his/her profile beneath every post.

If you are glad in using this hack.. and appreciate my effort.. please do link back to me..
Your appreciation is my motivation
The code for this at blogger help has bugs and does not work

Personalising Blogs with Fonts of your choice

The first thing that comes to a blogger’s mind when he is setting up the visual space of this blog is to give his own personal style to the look of the blog.This is much before he even thinks about posting.

Fair amount of personalisation can be done without getting involved in too many technical stuff … simply put – by changing the font style , color , font size etc etc

A more generalised way to do this will be to locate this your TEMPLATE – FONTS AND COLORS

  1. Scroll down the list
  2. Slect the item whose font (type & color) you wish to modify..
  3. Slect the fontype listed and the color prefered
  4. Save and repeat the process for another one from the list

If the list of fonts provided by the bloger does not satisfy you,, and you desperately wish that blogger has provided more choice in font names.. then acomplising this is not great feat

However, To do this you need to identify certains areas in your template taht represent the following

  1. Blog title
  2. Blog description
  3. Post Title
  4. Post body
  5. Post footer
  6. Comment author
  7. Comment body
  8. Comment Footer
To these sections in your Templates (Style sheets) you may add any / all of the following
( FONT NAME ) font-family:Monotype Corsiva;
( FONT SIZE ) font-size:20px;
(FONT COLOR ) color:green;

If you are not sure of what font names to give.. Open a word document – change the font of the texts – this will help you visualise and experiment with different font styles. Then you may copy paste the font name . Save and see the result

If you feel that this post has helped you in anyway.. do leave a note
Your appreciation is my motivation

Manipulating the Post-Footer

The post-footer is a very personal space for Bloggers..Many would like to have their custom-logo ; picture ; links etc to appear right after every post. Blogger gives us “comments – Quick edit – Email link ..and many more that we find in the Edit of Blog posts (TEMPLATE – Pagelements )..”

Post footer is that small space that you see below every post in yor blog-main page. In addition to all the standard ones given to us by blogger, we can give our own signature touch to the post-footer.

Before we try our hands on editing the post-footer contents in the template..lets get to know how its organised

  2. Locate
    <div class=’post-footer’>
    <p class=’post-footer-line post-footer-line-1′>

Now here is what you need to understand

<div class=’post-footer’>
<p class=’post-footer-line post-footer-line-1′>

<span class=’post-icons’>

<p class=’post-footer-line post-footer-line-2′>

<p class=’post-footer-line post-footer-line-3’/>
  1. It is advisable that you dont mess with the codes in line-1 and line 2..Unless you are very much sure of wat you are doing
  2. So..You can add your customised links-pics etc in the line-3 of the post footer..after you have made this slight change in the footer code
  3. Change the
    <p class=’post-footer-line post-footer-line-3’/>
    <p class=’post-footer-line post-footer-line-3′>
    You may add the code for your links – pictures here

If this post had been helpful to you.. kindly drop a word and link back to me as a gesture of appreciation for the effort taken.
Your appreciation is my motivation

Organise your comments with numbers

What is the happiest thing that can happen to an average blogger?..8-> yes.. you guessed it right.. to get some comments for the post Imagine how thrilled you were when you got the first comment for your first post..Then came a time you started receving comments (users with names and also anonymous users) and you were trying to reply to the a certain comment and got misunderstood by a different commentor… left you wondery why 😕

How about numbering the comments so that you can say exactly to which (rather whose) comment you are refering to..Still confused with waht I am saying.. I suggest that you click on any of the posts so that the post opens in a diffrent window along with the comments displayed..See any diffrence..The comments are all numbered

Want to know how i did this..Read along


    <dl id=’comments-block’>
    <b:loop values=’data:post.comments’ var=’comment’>
    <dt class=’comment-author’ expr:id='”comment-” +’>
  3. You need to add the tags shown in RED so that the final code looks like this
    <dl id=’comments-block’>
    <b:loop values=’data:post.comments’ var=’comment’>
    <dt class=’comment-author’ expr:id='”comment-” +’>
    STEP: 2

    <span class=’comment-timestamp’>
    <a expr:href='”#comment-” +’ title=’comment permalink’>
    <b:include data=’comment’ name=’commentDeleteIcon’/>
  5. You need to add the tags shown in RED so that the final code looks like this
    <span class=’comment-timestamp’>
    <a expr:href='”#comment-” +’ title=’comment permalink’>
    <b:include data=’comment’ name=’commentDeleteIcon’/>

So waht are you waiting for.. Start organising..dont forget to backlink to this post

Mystery of the dropping sidebar :-SS

Its common to hear from your blogging friends to say “Hey your sidebar slipped to the bottom.. fixing it will make your blog look great”.. However when you see the blog in the browser everything appears just fine..This will drive you nuts ~x( trying to figure out wahat could be happening.There are two possiblities
The problem could be in the visitors screen width and resolution.Not all will be viewing at the same screen widht and resolution.For Eg: A sees with a monitor with 21 inch and B with say 17 inches… so When A sees the blog all the colums are in place (Good.. ok) but when B sees its.. its only natural that the screen cannot accomodate the contents so it drops few items to the bottom.

May be you have posted a link that is sooo looong that in an attempt to dispaly in a single line, the rest of the elements are dropped to the bottom.When the link in the main post is loooong, the sidebar is dropped and when vice versa

Take a close look at your template (provided you are able to identify which section represents which colum)This is with refrence to my template

#main-wrapper /*—————Center colum——————-*/
color: #666666;
padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
border-right: 1px solid maroon;
border-left: 1px solid maroon;
margin-left: 0px;
margin-bottom: 0px;
width: 59%;/* Earlier this used to be 430px*/
float: left;
word-wrap: break-word;/* fix for long text breaking sidebar float in IE */

#sidebar-wrapper /*————Right side colum—————–*/
font-family: Georgia;
text-decoration: none;
font-weight: regular;
margin-right: 0px;
text-transform: capitalize;
width: 20%;/* Earlier this used to 160px*/
float: right;
text-align: center;
word-wrap: break-word; /* fix for long text breaking sidebar float in IE */

#newsidebar-wrapper /*—————-Left side colum————-*/
font-family: Georgia;
text-decoration: none;
font-weight: regular;
margin-right: 0px;
width: 20%;/* Earlier this used to 160px*/
float: left;
word-wrap: break-word; /* fix for long text breaking sidebar float in IE */

If you are trying to convert the width of the colums from pixels to percentage, i suggest that you have a test-blog with exactly the same template and modify the width , once you are satisfied with the look of the colums, then change the appropriate values.If you are not sure, which block represents which colum,:-? its always wise to color-code them for easy recognition.

Color-coding means you give diffrent backgound color for each cloum so that it get easy on you to identify the cencerned block of code in thetemplate.just add
background-color: pink; for one
background-color: green; for one
background-color: yellow; for one

Now when u see in the browser, you know what is happening to exactly which colum.Remeber do this only in the test blog.>:/