Have a Static Background

How about a picture that stays in its place as a background for your blog.. and the rest of the blog contents moves over it..Something that you can see here.Instructions to do this to your blog is as follows.Read on..

  2. Its my personal experience that uplaoding the pic to blogger and then using that URL to act as background does not work quite the way we want it to.So its best to use some file hosting service that allows backlinking.I have used Fileden.
  3. In your Template-Edit HTML Locate the
    body {
    line-height: 1.5em;
    font: x-small Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Arial, Sans-serif;
  4. To that add the following
    background-image: url(“URL of the background picture“);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: center top;
  5. Now your final code might look like this
    background-image: url(“(“URL of the background picture“);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: center top;

    line-height: 1.5em;
    font: x-small Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Arial, Sans-serif;
  6. Save and View

hope you were able to include this in your blog.Do drop a word at the comments page..And it will make me extra happy if you included this link in the CREDITS list.Tell us how you liked this…

13 Replies to “Have a Static Background”

  1. Deepa is the best! He keeps responding to problems no matter how many times you email him and he takes the time to sort through all the stuff to get to the bottom of the problem.

    I’m a fan!!!!

  2. Thank you PS.

    I dont know where u are from.. but in india.. today is the harvest festival..
    So its “Happy Pongal” & Happy Shankarathi”..
    Good luck to u to gain all prosperities

  3. Deepa,

    I was able to use this code successfully on my blog. The only thing is that the space behind all of my text is clear and appears to float on top of the background graphic.

    How can I make a solid background behind the areas (in my posts and sidebar) so that the text is readable? Here is the blogger I am now trying to do this with. http://darkodorko.blogspot.com

    Thank you Deepa! You are my Blogspot Hero!


  4. Daryl.. i saw your blog.. the reason whybthe content of the blog is illegible is due to teh choice of picture..
    Try selecting some standard background….The Rule is “”If you have a dark font color–use light background… if u have light font color use dark background..
    For test purpose you may share the background i have given in my test blog..t he URL of the background picture is
    background-image: url(“http://www.fileden.com/files/2006/11/9/362189/Blog_BG.jpg”);.. try giving this and see the diffrence.. then may be you can come up with your own pic that will suit best
    Hope this helps..
    B/w.. i am a SHE

  5. i Can’t Make it work, Please help me!
    I am using Photobucket and can’t get my background from there to my Blog!

  6. i Can’t Make it work, Please help me!
    I am using Photobucket and can’t get my background from there to my Blog!

  7. Hi Anon,
    Have you tried chaing the image url within the body { } tag? what are your observation..

    Do you want the dots image to appear all over the green background ? or is it needed at only one corner ?

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