Writing in Tamil

So now you can read the posts in Tamil…congrats….
Next you might wish to post your comments also in Tammil.. or you might even like to have a post in your personal blog in Tamil.Since you have already installed the required fonts, this should not be difficult.

When we think of typing in a language other than englsih..we think of translating our thoughts.So naturally you might have googled for some software.. that allows you to type in tamil and also provides an onscreen keyboard to help you with the characters. One such software is Kamban
But what we need is a Transiltator…ie transliteration based application which converts ‘Regional language text written in English’ to their own respective scripts.

when I write (in english)
vaNakkam :- வணக்கம்
nalamaa..tamizhil taTTachchu seyyalaam :-நலமா..தமிழில் தட்டச்சு செய்யலாம்
In order to acomplish this..

Download and install Baraha7 here
Open Baraha
Edit–Default Settings
Select TAMIL from the language drop down list
Clik ok

Now start typing in englsih.. you will see the tamil characters takking shape
WAIT.. thats not all…
Few simple set of steps to post the tamil characters directly to your post.. comming soon